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Department Vision Statement

Exam Groups

We believe that Business and Economics should be your first Option Choice at KS4 and KS5 as they are both truly vibrant, relevant and up to date qualifications, ideally suited to a wide range of further education choices and for preparing learners for the dynamic 'world of work'. 

Both are subjects that will spark curiosity about our own economy, the outside international business world and educate students on how every one of us plays a vital role, not only as consumers but as entrepreneurs and business leaders of the future. Our courses help learners appreciate that the Business and Economic world business never stands still but changes every single day; making Business Studies and Economics one of the most popular current, dynamic and relevant subjects available to students at Penistone Grammar School. 

To ensure continued progress we incorporate a wide range of ongoing formative and summative assessments that record and inform our own teaching and identify where challenge and support needs to be focused for our different learner needs; but all with a keen focus on exam technique and exam preparation. 

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