Safeguarding at Penistone Grammar School
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs K Crook. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr J Bedford, Miss J Cooper, and Miss K Tebbutt.
All members of the safeguarding team, including the Principal, undertake level 3 and/or 4 child protection training and training in inter-agency working, which is kept up to date with refresher and new training on an annual basis. Staff are supported by the DSL and the DDSL and the DSL and the DDSL are supported by the Principal and the Safeguarding Governor.
All staff, including temporary staff, volunteers and Governors are provided with the school's child protection guidelines and policy and are informed of the school's child protection arrangements on induction.
All staff share an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:
Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn and develop within our school setting
Identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in our school setting
Providing a stimulating, enriching curriculum that promotes health and wellbeing and enables children to know how to keep safe and manage risk.
All staff, including temporary staff and governors at Penistone Grammar School undertake training on safeguarding children that enables them to fulfil their responsibilities in respect of child protection effectively. The training is refreshed on a regular basis to keep staff knowledge and skills up to date.
All staff follow Working Together to Safeguard Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education. Through their day-to-day contact with students, staff have a crucial role to play in keeping children safe. Parents and carers should be aware, therefore, that where it appears to a member of staff that a child may be at immediate risk, the school is required, as a part of local child protection procedures, to report their concerns to Social Services immediately.

Reporting Issues
Reporting Issues: Staff
What to do if you are worried about a child
If you have any issues relating to child protection please contact one of the following staff at the school on 01226 762114:
Mrs K Crook - Assistant Principal & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Bedford - Inclusion Team Assistant (Behaviour) & Deputy DSL
Miss J Cooper - LSA & Deputy DSL
Miss K Tebbutt - SSO & Deputy DSL
If an allegation relates to a member of staff, this should be directed to:
Mr P Crook - Principal
If an allegation is made against the Principal, this should be directed to:
Mrs Y Asquith - Chair of Governors
Local Authority: BMBC Safeguarding
Further information on safeguarding from Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council can be found here.
Reporting Issues: Students
Reporting Issues: Online Safety
Students receive comprehensive up-to-date information and guidance on online safety issues as part of the regular curriculum and through special events. The school anti-bullying procedure should be used to report targeted online safety problems.
The school network is filtered and very secure but any other concerns that students have should be reported to the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Online safety issues, outside the school, can be reported through the CEOP site here.
Reporting Issues: Bullying
Our school has a warm, friendly, welcoming, and safe ethos. It is a place where bullying is not tolerated and where all treat others as they themselves would expect to be treated.
Anti-Bullying Procedure (click to view our policy)
When an incident of bullying is reported to a mentor/teacher/member of associate staff the Student Support Officer (SSO) will be informed
The SSO can only act upon incidents which have been reported
The SSO will investigate the incident(s) and take statements from all students involved (if appropriate)
The SSO may ask the Achievement Mentor to support in the first instance
The SSO will keep a log of all incidents which are reported
The SSO will inform/involve the Head of Behaviour Support if they feel appropriate
The SSO will inform parents if they feel appropriate
The SSO/Head of Behaviour will always try restorative practice, when appropriate, in the first instance
The SSO/Head of Behaviour will issue a sanction which reflects the seriousness of the incident. The school does not accept bullying in its school community and the sanction will reflect this
The SSO/Head of Behaviour may invite parents into school and will offer to mediate between students
The incident will be formally logged, and further incidents will result in further sanction

Safeguarding Themes
Safeguarding Themes
Listed below are a variety of safeguarding topics and themes. If you see anything here that you wish to discuss further, or you are concerned about someone, please contact the DSL Team on 01226 762114.
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Child on Child Abuse
Serious Violence
Child sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)
Signs of Abuse
Poor mental health
Change in weight/ body shape
Marks, bruising or burns
Unexplained changes in behaviour or personality
Becoming withdrawn
Seeming anxious
Becoming uncharacteristically aggressive
Lacks social skills and has few friends, if any
Poor bond or relationship with a parent
Knowledge of adult issues inappropriate for their age
Running away or going missing
Always choosing to wear clothes which cover their body.
A ‘feeling’