Our Curriculum

How We Teach at Penistone Grammar School
Introducing Our Curriculum
Penistone Grammar School is built on strong relationships. A happy school, we are at the heart of our community and provide an excellent educational experience for students from years 7 through to 13.
Key Stages 3 & 4
In years 7 and 8 our focus is to develop the foundations needed for successful learning across a range of subjects. Students study English, Mathematics, Science and Languages (French and Spanish) for six hours per fortnight; History, Geography, PE and Technology for four hours per fortnight; Art, Drama, Music, Computing, Resilience (year 7 only) and PSHRCE (Personal, Social, Health, Religious and Careers Education) for two hours per fortnight.
As they move into year 9, we enhance our students’ knowledge, skills and understanding as we prepare them for the next significant step in their learning journey. Recognising the importance of English and Mathematics as the cornerstones for learning, the amount of time students spend studying these key subjects is increased. Throughout year 9 students are provided with opportunities to consider future pathways and to decide which subjects they would like to specialise in as they move into Key Stage 4.
In years 10 and 11 students take control of almost 40% of their learning, studying subjects that interest and enthuse them and which contribute to their longer-term goals and aspirations. At Key Stage 4 students spend significantly more time studying core subjects: nine hours per fortnight of English and Mathematics, and ten hours per fortnight of core Science. We continue to recognise the importance of developing our students as well-rounded and healthy individuals and to this end our students participate in practical PE lessons and PSHRCE (two hours per fortnight).
Key Stage 5
We have an excellent Post-16 Centre; many of our students choose to stay with us and study subjects from the wide range of A levels on offer including Psychology, Sociology, Government & Politics, Theatre Studies and Further Mathematics. Please click here to view or download our latest Post 16 Prospectus.
Statutory Information
How we comply with the statutory guidelines for what maintained schools must publish online:
the content of your school curriculum in each academic year for every subject - this includes mandatory subjects such as religious education (see PSHCRE document), even if it is taught as part of another subject or subjects, or is called something else (see subject buttons);
a list of the courses available to pupils at key stage 4, including GCSEs (see here for KS4 options information);
how parents or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum your school is following (our strategic leader for curriculum, teaching and assessment is Mr I Richards (Vice Principal). If you have any questions or queries about our curriculum, Mr Richards can be contacted by email at enquiries@penistone-gs.uk);
You must also set out how over time you will increase the extent to which disabled pupils participate in the school’s curriculum, as part of your school’s accessibility plan (see our SEND pages here).
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I support my child with their home learning?
As parents and caregivers, you can support by creating a quiet space that makes learning easier for your child. Encourage them to build good habits so they can finish their work on time and make learning a part of their daily routine instead of completing it all at the last minute.
How do I know when and where my child’s home learning is set?
All home learning is set on Microsoft Teams with a clear deadline for completion. We have a webpage with instructions for Microsoft Teams, which can be found by clicking here. Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students can use their Essential Knowledge Books to support. Electronic copies of the Essential Knowledge Books can be found at the bottom of each subject page. Students will receive feedback on their home learning either automatically when completed (e.g. Sparx maths, Sparx reader, Microsoft quizzes) or during their timetabled lessons with the teacher.
How do we report a problem with Microsoft 365 / Teams (including forgotten login details)?
Students can fill in this form to report any technical issues with Microsoft and/or Teams: click here. If they have forgotten their password outside of school hours, please email enquiries@penistone-gs.uk, marking the message for the attention of the IT team. Please note that it may take up to 48 hours to receive a reply and that the inbox is not monitored outside of school hours. If the problem relates to the actual content of home learning tasks, your child should contact their class teacher.
How do I know what my child is studying in lessons?
Each subject listed above has a brief overview of what your child will be studying, term by term. If you would like to discuss the curriculum in greater detail, please contact either your child's subject teacher or the Curriculum Area Leader (name can found on each subject page) at enquiries@penistone-gs.uk.
What is Sparx Maths and Sparx Reader?
A comprehensive overview of Sparx Maths can be found here; the same can be found for Sparx Reader here. Instructions for logging in to either platform can found in student planners.
How long should my child spend on their home learning?
Depending on the subject and the stage they are at, your child can expect to spend between 30 - 60 mins on each piece of home learning.
If my child has no home learning, what can they do to support their learning?
If your child is in Year 7, 8 or 9 we would encourage them to read for pleasure, either in Sparx Reader or with reading matter of their own choosing (the PGS Library has a large selection of fiction and non-fiction books, in both hard copy and via the e-reader app Sora). The National Literacy Trust states that students with strong literacy skills not only perform better academically but are also more likely to develop the competencies that lead to successful employment. If your child is in Key Stage 4 (GCSEs) or 5 (A Levels) we would encourage them to revise course material.