Learn to Read, Read to Learn
The Literacy Team are available to answer enquires via our dedicated email inbox: library@penistone-gs.uk
The @TheLibraryPGS Twitter feed is the best place to find our latest announcements. Follow us for the latest news and information!
Our Intentions
We firmly believe that reading is the cornerstone of learning. In addition to promoting reading, we are dedicated to enhancing students' ability to comprehend and utilise academic vocabulary. A more extensive vocabulary equips readers to better grasp and acquire new knowledge.
Our curriculum framework is rooted in both reading and academic vocabulary. Our objectives at PGS include:
Cultivating a culture of reading at every opportunity during the school day.
Providing wide-ranging, challenging reading materials at an age-appropriate level.
Expecting students to read fluently and deeply for both pleasure and knowledge.
Seizing every opportunity to foster the use of academic and subject-specific vocabulary.
Valuing the importance of high quality communication and ensuring students can speak fluently and confidently.
We are a research-informed school, continuously exploring the latest theories, strategies, and techniques to support your child, both at home and in school.
According to the Department for Education, since 2017, students have faced 'more demanding' GCSE examinations, with an average reading age of almost 17 required to access GCSE papers. This poses a challenge for a significant minority of students with lower reading ages. A recent report titled "Read All About It" suggests that 20% of all 15-year-olds have a reading age of 11 or below. Given this, fostering a love for reading and cultivating a robust academic vocabulary has never been more critical for your child's future success. By nurturing their passion for reading, writing, and words, we equip them with the skills to turn their dreams into reality.
The benefits of reading extend beyond the academic realm. Reading can also enhance an individual's mood, happiness, empathy towards others, and serve as a tool to improve mental health. Reducing screen time before bedtime and replacing your phone with a book can help establish a healthier routine and result in improved sleep quality. It has also been shown to reduce stress levels by up to 68%. Therefore, reading should be an integral part of all our lives.
We believe that the connection between home and school is vital in encouraging students to read more.
Within the school, we offer a range of initiatives to encourage the use of academic vocabulary and promote reading:
Register and Read
Accelerated Reader Program
Incorporating Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary in lessons
English reading lessons
Furthermore, we organise individual reading and house competitions to incentivize positive reading habits. During their time with us, students will be encouraged to read at home. We will assist you in supporting their reading journey by providing reading suggestions and questions for discussion.

Meet the Literacy Team
The PGS Library Information

When you join Penistone Grammar School you instantly become a member of the Library - which means you can take advantage of all the benefits it has to offer straight away! The Library is a wonderful place to visit if you have a question that needs to be answered, a topic to be researched or even if you're just looking for a good book to read. When you visit the Library a great way to get started is to ask a librarian for help - your librarian at PGS is Mrs Barraclough.
The Library isn't just a place to borrow books - although we do have an extensive selection from which you can choose! We also give help with home learning, run lots of different clubs and activities, host guest authors and speakers, and provide a safe, quiet space where you can read, sit or study.