Pupil Premium Provision
If your child accesses Free School Meals either now or during the past six years, has previously been or is currently a Looked After Child or you are a Forces Family, we receive extra funding from the Government when they join our school. This is known as the Pupil Premium and is designed to allow schools to support these groups of students so that they achieve to the best of their abilities at school and then have enhanced life chances.
At Penistone Grammar School we have a team in place to ensure that we are providing appropriate support to your child in all areas: Mr Teasdale (Assistant Principal); Miss Tyas (Alternative Provision Teacher); Miss Lill (Pupil Premium Academic Intervention Lead); and Mrs Thornhill (Student Engagement Officer [pastoral support]).
If your child is one of the children for whom we receive the Pupil Premium, we will be informed of this by your primary school.
We can be contacted at: pupilpremium@penistone-gs.uk